Program Advertising Space
Help support our local detachments by purchasing an ad spot on our program and get your business or organization recognized by Marine Veterans from all over California!
Review the rates pricing sheets below
and submit a contact request or pay online by clicking the following link:
Pay for Ad or Make a Donation Online
Scan QR code to purchase ad space.
All advertisements and graphics should be high quality. It may be submitted on a USB flash drive or emailed as a .jpeg, .png, or .pdf formats.
Payment and advertisement images are due no later than April 30, 2024 to ensure placement in the program prior to the May 10th event. Someone will contact you once your request is received to confirm, you can email copy of advertisement to
General donations to help offset costs of the event are welcome and will be recognized on the event website only if received after the submission deadline (4/30).
The preferred method of payment is through our square checkout using the QR code or link above. If you must pay by check...checks made payable to Marine Corps League Fresno, can either be mailed to PO Box 1681, Clovis, CA 93613 with "K9 event" in the memo line or you can contact Dan Payne or Steffon Hicklin to arrange face-to-face payment. Donation acknowledgements will be submitted sometime after the event.